UPDATE (20 August 2024):

Our aim is to ensure that community groups have the resources they need to thrive.
A well-maintained space for catering equipment and other materials is crucial for Inverloch Lions to achieve this goal.
Over its 24-year history, the Lions Club has never sought support for itself.
Instead, we have been a steadfast community service organization, committed to positively impacting the lives of those in need through various charitable projects and events.
To date, the Club has donated over $765,000 to community groups in the Inverloch area, providing essential funding for a wide range of initiatives and projects.
This year alone, thirty-two community organizations shared $21,175 in financial support from the Inverloch Lions.
The major source of funding for our support of community groups comes from our regular markets in the Glade, which we have been running for many years.
We had exhausted all our savings into this new building extension, but now, with the generous support of our community, we will be able to complete it.
Thank you.