We meet the needs of our local communities and the world.
Our 1.44 million men and women in 208 countries and geographic areas conduct vision and health screenings, build parks, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, assist youth, provide help in time of disaster and much more.
Join us in making our communities and the world better places to live.
- Membership is open to all people of the community in good standing.
- Clubs may either provide service or raise money for their community.
- 100% of funds donated by the public through fundraising are directed to the project for which they are intended.
Lions Clubs are part of community life, in the cities and in the country. Clubs are easily identified by their distinctive Logo, the trademark of the Association, and the ‘We Serve’; motto seen on road signs throughout the country.
As a member of Lions Australia you will experience a number of personal benefits including leadership skills, a sense of self-worth and purpose, business skills, networking opportunities and lifelong friendships.
Lions Australia has a proud history of achievement in Disaster and Emergency Relief, Medical Research and Community Service. We were at the coalface for Cyclone Tracy, the Black Saturday bushfires and the Queensland/NSW floods.
More recently, we were involved with purchasing portable sawing mills that are used to saw fallen trees caused by 2019 bushfires on East Gippsland properties to be used by farmers for rebuilding fences and farm buildings.
We assist with local community fundraising for special causes and help with the development and building of local parks, community venues, and sporting centres.